Thursday, February 8, 2007

Well I decided to wait until dark to do a picture then thought I'd try something fun and do the 'throw your camera trick!!" Only I'm a chicken and wont let go of my camera so here are three pictures combined onto one of my 'waving' my camera!!! The yellow one is the lights on my modem, the blue in the one switch on my computer, and the red is the 0 on my carbon monoxide detector!!! They do make for some cool artsy pictures!!!


Patti White said...

i'm with ya! i wouldnt throw my camera
these are fun. yours look great. i did mine on the way out yesterday morning figuring id have my blog content no matter what happened the rest of the day! we need to go shooting marla..really!

Heidi Brand said...

Definitley very artsy!!! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Cool shots.... I like the combo... and no.. I wouldn't throw my camera either...

Denise said...

Do people really throw their camera? Love the effect here, really neat!